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National Forest Products Week 2023 Vertical Graphic

Celebrating National Forest Products Week in 2023 by highlighting how the industry is advancing a more sustainable future. Download the Instagram size.

National Forest Products Week 2023 Horizontal Graphic

Celebrating National Forest Products Week in 2023 by highlighting how the industry is advancing a more sustainable future. Download the X (formerly known as 推特), LinkedIn and 脸谱网 size.

Does 纸 Actually Get Recycled? The Industry Answers

You put your recycling in the bin and drop it at the curb. Then what happens? Does it actually get recycled? 是的! At paper mills across the country, recycled paper is used to make the essential products millions of people rely on.

U.S. 纸 and Cardboard 回收 Rates Continue to Hold Strong in 2022

纸 and cardboard continue to be some of the most recycled materials in the United States. In 2022, the paper recycling rate was 67.9% and the cardboard recycling rate was 93.6%. 纸 recycling is successful because of the millions of people who recycle and the paper industry’s ongoing…

U.S. 纸 Industry Tallies High 回收 Rate in 2022

Nearly 68% of paper and more than 93% of cardboard consumed in the United States was recycled in 2022. 纸 recycling rates have remained consistently high – meeting or exceeding 63% each year since 2009.

Where Recycled 纸 Goes Graph

In 2022, nearly half of recycled paper went into making containerboard - the material used to make cardboard boxes.

Cardboard 回收 Graph

In 2022, 93.6% of cardboard boxes were recycled. Keep up the good work by breaking boxes down flat, keeping them dry and clean, and then put them in the bin. 

Cardboard 回收 Rate Graphic

93.6% of all cardboard boxes were recycled in 2022. The recycling rate for cardboard has exceeded 82% since 2009. 

纸 and Cardboard 回收 Rate Graphic

纸 recycling is a success. In 2022, nearly 68% of paper was recycled and more than 93% of cardboard boxes were recycled.

十大菠菜软件 Releases Q2 2023 Boxboard Quarterly Report

Total Boxboard production in Q2 decreased 11% compared to Q2 2022. The boxboard operating rate was 86.6%,下跌7%.6 points from Q2.

Let’s Set the Record Straight. Pizza Boxes are Recyclable.

We’re aiming to answer a common question that causes a lot of confusion across the United States: Are pizza boxes recyclable? We’re here to set the record straight. 

十大菠菜软件详细资料.S. 纸 Production and Capacity Trends

十大菠菜软件 released the 63rd 纸 Industry Capacity and Fiber Consumption Survey. 总的来说,你.S. paper and paperboard capacity declined slightly by 0.4% in 2022.